
Personal Chef continued...

Well that party last Friday was a bit delayed since the fish took longer to cook, thereby wrecking the timing of the other dishes. But everybody seemed to be happy.
After that Party I got another booking for last Sunday for a small gathering of 9 people, hosted by the Dean of Ateneo. Menu was as follows:

Tomato and liver pate bruschetta
Minestrone fagioli e verdure
White fish steamed in white wine
Herbed pork chops
Chicken Fricasee
Vegetable risotto
Wild mushroom fussili

Since the host didn't have an oven and some other essential kitchen items, I had to make do. The Fricasse, normally braised, was simmered very slowly. The Pork Chops were broiled instead of grilled, and the White fish had to be cooked in a wok instead of a fish kettle. The guy really lives alone, so the kitchen really is not very equipped. Good thing I brought some stuff.

All in all, 'The guests enjoyed dinner immensely', according to the text message I got from the dean later on.

As we go into holy week, let us give thanks for the year that has passed, and hope for the best for everyone.

All the while, this personal chef gig will continue on, God willing.

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