
Other funding for Souped Up

Presentations of the business plans are underway for different investment sources. In addition to that, I have branched out to get more funds. One of which is the private chef venture that I started. Catering to small private parties, customers hire me to cook for them. I do the grocery shopping, the cooking and the presentation. I got my first gig last Thursday when I got a call to cater for a small graduation party for a family of 18. I purposely did not charge much so that I get a foot in the door to a whole network of people who like food.
I made them an Italian menu. Though some of the dishes are ambitious, I think I can handle it. Now trying to fit the menu in a small budget is the challenge I have to overcome tomorrow.
I will also be meeting somebody for a possible consultation gig in Pampanga. Do not know how much the charge is, but being 2 hours of Manila, I should be fair to both the restaurant operators and myself.
We will see tomorrow.
I want to print t-shirts also for the budding cooks that are coming out of culinary school this month. Undershirts would be good for wearing while sweating it out under those cotton chefs' jackets. It would be cool if culinasry quotes are printed on the back of those t-shirts. This idea will be another great fund raiser.
Sigh. When my restaurant is up and running, this will all be worth it.

P.S. As part of our contribution to saving the environment, REUSE your grocery bags. What could you possibly do with eight additional grocery bags each time you go to the supermarket? Reuse the bags. It just pollutes the enviroment, and the resources to produce them is amazingly expensive. In the long run, your bags would be put to good use, the supermarket will save money, and those savings will translate into savings on the prices since they have less overhead. So please, it's our kids' future we are messing with.

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